Dr Binu K D
Assistant Professor in English
M A, Ph D, B Ed , UGC (NET)
Dr Binu K D is Assistant Professor in English at Govt Law College Thrissur. His academic qualifications are M A, B Ed , Ph D, UGC (NET). He has 16 Years of experience of teaching English in various Govt and aided colleges in Kerala. His area of specialization is “Subaltern Studies”. He is a recognized Research Guide of the University of Calicut. He is the Editor of the book titled The Subaltern Speak: Perspectives on Malayalam Dalit Representations, published with financial assistance from the Directorate of Collegiate Education, Govt of Kerala which is the first anthology of critical essays on Malayalam Dalit Writings. He successfully completed a UGC minor research project titled “Theorizing Pain: Constructing a Parallel Historiography of Malayalam Dalit Writings”. He has published a number of research articles in reputed National and International Journals.