1. Presented a paper titled “Human Rights Protection for Women with Mental Illness During Admission to Mental Health Facilities- An Analysis” at the National Seminar on Women Rights in India: A Human Rights Perspective held on the 11th and 12th of March, 2024 organised by Human Rights Chair, Government Law College, Kozhikode.
2. Presented a paper in Two day International Conference on Evolving Jurisprudence of Freedom as a Right in the Modern Era, organized by SILT,MG University, Kottayam on the topic “A Brief Overview of Safeguarding the Human Rights of People with Mental Illness During Admission to Mental Health Facilities” held on 09th& 10th of August 2023
3. Presented a paper in International Seminar on Comparative Law on the topic “TREATMENT AND CARE OF MENTALLY ILL WOMEN DURING HOSPITALISATION -A COMPARITIVE STUDY” conducted by IQAC of Government Law College, Kozhikode on 13/12/2022
4. Presented a paper on “GENDER DISPARITIES IN THE TREATMENT AND CARE OF MENTALLY ILL WOMEN-A LEGAL PERSPECTIVE”in the Second Kerala Police Academy Police Science Congress held on 22&23 October 2020.
5. Presented paper on “policing for mentally ill people in India–an over view” in
the first police science congress on democratic policing, at first Kerala Police
Academy police science congress organized and conducted by the Kerala Police
Academy in November 2019.
6. UGC sponsored national seminar on “Human rights of the differently abled”. Presented paper on ‘human rights of differently abled’ held at Government Law College, Kozhikode in February 2015.
7. Presented paper in Two day national inter disciplinary seminar on the Human rights of the socially excluded”. Presented paper on ‘human rights of persons with mental disorders-A national perspective’ held at Government Law College, Thrissur in 2011.
8. Presented paper on ‘Mental health care in India-A human rights perspective’ in two day national seminar on Right To Health Care held at SLS, CUSAT in 2010.
1. Title of Article : Hospitalisation, Treatment &Care of Mentally ill Persons, Cochin University Law Review. ISSN 0970-0331, Volume XXVIII, March –December 2004, SLS,CUSAT
2. Published a Research Article on “GENDER DISPARITIES IN THE TREATMENT AND CARE OF MENTALLY ILL WOMEN-A LEGAL PERSPECTIVE” Vol. 11,April 2023 in International Journal of Advanced Research. ISSN: 2320-5407
1. Served as HoD (Law ) at Kerala Police Academy during the period (2014- 2019)on deputation.
2. Awarded Good Service Entry from Kerala Police Academy dated 27/02/2018 (A. O. 53/18 KEPA)
3. Resource Person on “Gender Equality& gender Justice’’ in various institutions.